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Advanced Nursing Manikin AM-2400


Advanced Nursing Manikin AM-2400


2400 is designed for different levels of nursing skills training courses. A variety of accessories provided with this integrated training simulator make it a comprehensive teaching aid for instructors and a hands-on learning tool for trainees.


  1. With one normal eye and the other dilated;
  2. Face washing, hair combing; Mouth cavity and artificial teeth care; Carotidpulse; Endotracheal intubation; Oral and nasal feeding; Oxygen inhaling;Incision of tracheal nursing; Sputum suction; Gastrolavage.
  3. Auscultation of heart sound, breath sound and bowel sound;
  4. Blood pressure measure training;
  5. Venipuncture, deltoid subcutaneous injection, vastus lateralis injection;buttocks intramuscular injection;
  6. Colostomy nursing; closed drainage of thoracic cavity care; drainage ofcavitas pericardialis care; T-tube drainage postoperative care; abdominaldrainage care; pneumothorax puncture care;
  7. The external genital of male and female can be replaceable, catheterizationand irrigation is available;
  8. Wound washing, classify, evaluation, length measurement;
  9. Trauma evaluation and care: washing, disinfection, enswathing of thewound; hemostasis and bandaging;
  10. Holistic nursing care: sponge bath, replacing clothes, cold and heattherapy;
  11. AUDSim module:

Total 54 sounds: including voice 21(cough, vomit, sneeze…), heart sound 14 (normal heart sound…), breath sound 13 (normal alveolus breath sound…), abdomen sound 6 (normal bowel sound, fetus heart sound…); all the sounds can be heard by earphone and sound box;

  1. BPSim module:

Realistic sphygmomanometer and stethoscope can be used in this arm Korotkoff Gap sound Non-invasive blood pressure measurement: systolic and diastolic pressure may be set individually in steps of 1mmHg Systolic pressure 0-300mmHg, diastolic pressure: 0-300mmHg; low power consumption and automatically shutdown after ten minutes’ idle time;

  1. Both Chinese and English interfaces;
  2. Trauma evaluation and care: abdominal wall section and wound suturingcare; surgical trauma of thigh and incision suturing care; foot sphacelus.

Technical Specifications



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