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Patient Monitor AM-800B

Patient Monitor AM-800B

  1. 15-inch Six Standard parameters: ECG, RESP, NIBP, SPO2, 2_TEMP, PR/HR
  2. 13 Type Arrhythmic Analysis, Multi_Lead ECG Waveforms Display in Phase, Real time S_T segment analysis, pacemaker detection Drug calculation and titratiotable;
  3. Efficient resistance to interference of defibrillator and electrosurgical cautery;
  4. SPO2 can testing for 0.1% Weak;
  5. RA-LL impedance Respiration;
  6. Trend Coexist Display;
  7. OxyCRG DyNamic View Display;
  8. Bed to Bed view Display;
  9. Networking capacity and nurse calling system;
  10. Options of printing, IBP, VGA and EtCO2;
  11. UP to 4 hours working capacity of built-in rechargeable battery;
  12. 15.1" high resolution color TFT LCD display;
  13. Large volume of tabular and graphic trends information storage and easy to recall;
  14. Anti-ESU, anti- defibrillator;
  15. Capture dynamic waveforms.

Technical Specifications



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